Monday, December 24, 2012

Hello and Happy Holidays!

This is my kind of Christmas (Image from Google)
I am still in the midst of unpacking, cleaning and organizing from my move (I know, the worst time ever to move right?). I have not been able to find my camera yet but I will someday! Because of this I have not been able to take cute Christmas pictures of the quaint little town I now live in which also means no pictures of our red, white and blue Christmas tree! (we decided to go patriotic with my sweetie having just retired from the navy a couple of months ago now. The tree is flocked - which is white and looks like snow - with blue and red  glass Christmas tree ornaments and multi-color lights, I think next year we will have to go with white lights).

Instead I will give you some excerpts from my book: It's a Wonderful Christmas - The best of the Holidays 1940-1965! This fun little book was one of my Christmas gifts last year.

A Very Eisenhower Christmas -
During their years in the White House, the Eisenhower's did Christmas on a grand scale. For the 1958 holiday season, Mamie arranged for carols to be piped into every room. Miles of greenery were wrapped around every column, indoors and out, and over two dozen trees were decorated in classic 1950's style, with glass balls, electric candle lights, and waterfalls of tinsel.

Elvis The Giver -
Elvis bought his beloved Graceland in the spring of 1957. His mother Gladys, received a kitchen full of new appliances and a cashmere coat. During his last Christmas in Graceland, 1976, Elvis donated $1,000 to the local police station and an additional $52,000 to various charities. He gave several cars to friends and a few to strangers he'd never met.

Shirley Temple Said -
I stopped believing in Santa Claus when my mother took me to see him in a department store, and he asked for my autograph.

Ladies Home Journal, December, 1952 -
The punch bowl glistens, conversation sparkles, and your buffet party succeeds! Serve crisp cheese wafers, potato chips, and peanut butter dip.

Mamie Eisenhower -
During her eight years as First Lady, she not only personally shopped for gifts for the White House staff but wrapped each one herself to save money.

During this time period the average American family spends 4% of its annual income on gifts.

Also during this time period 10% of American households leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus on Christmas Eve.

Well that is all for now if you want more I guess you will just have to go out and buy the book!



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