Sunday, December 16, 2012

Checking In

I thought I would give you all a little update so you know why I have been away for a while. I am in the process of moving to small town USA which is about 30 miles west of the big city. Moving is never easy especially at holiday time. I will miss living in the city but this little town is kind of cute and is growing on me. I really would love to take some pics of this little town all decorated for the holidays and post them on here but I am not going to guarantee that will happen because my hands have been pretty full with this move. However after the new year I will be giving my blog a makeover and making my "vintage fashion inspired by the movies" themed posts a regular monthly feature (right now these posts have just been kind of sporadic but what I have found is that they are some of my most popular blog posts). Plus I have some other things up my sleeve for my blog for next year. I would love some input from my readers: what would you like to see more of from me? More outfit posts, craft ideas, pictures of vintage finds, home remedies, recipes or product reviews? None of the above or all of the above or do you have some other idea please let me know.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my humble blog!




  1. Yes, more movie costumes... horror or film noir ones particularly.

    Good luck with your move. I did the same thing this time last year almost to the same day. It sucks especially when you have cats and lots of things to break.

    I hope you get your internet connection up and running quicker than I did too.

  2. Moving can be hard but I'm sure you'll love small town life. I hope you have a happy holiday season and a great New Year.

  3. Congrats!! Yes, I will soon experience the fun of moving during the holidays and inclement weather, but it is all worth it!

    Thanks for poppin in on my random post ;)
