Monday, May 7, 2012

Outfit for today

This is what I wore to work today:

Beaded cardigan sweater - Consignment shop.
Sheer blouse - Goodwill (It is the color of Key Lime pie, never have seen one like it before).
Skirt - From a 24 hour yard sale a few years ago (I bought 3 super cute skirts for a dollar and this is one of them).
Pink pearl bracelet - Gift from my boss Diane.
Shoes - Goodwill (from Saturday's shopping trip with Joyce).
Purse - Thrifted (from Saturday's shopping trip also).

1 comment:

  1. oh darling you look just adorable i just love that sweater and that skirt is just lovely! you really got a good deal on that haha :) very beautiful picture dear :)

    wishing you a wonderful monday,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)
