Sunday, May 6, 2012

More treasures

I went thrifting yesterday with my sister in law Joyce and here are my finds:

Set of 4 Coca Cola glasses in red and turquoise - they match my kitchen perfectly!

Pink glass spice jar and Art Deco white glass salt shaker (the red  glass dish in the back was  a thrifting score from another day).

 Turquoise ring and Mahjong tile earrings plus the maple leaf ceramic dish originally was handmade in Canada.

Super cute ring with little flowers on it (I had been needing a ring with red in it for a while now).

I saved the best for last - the most darling purse - of course I love it because of the bird!

I also got a pair of really cute shoes but I forgot to take a picture of them but I will wear them tomorrow and I will do an outfit post so y'all can see them. 


  1. you found such amazing things!!! i love that purse!!! :) and those coca-cola glasses are just the coolest thing ever, my uncle is a coca-cola freak hahaha I'm going to show him that picture hahaha he will get a kick out of that hahah :) very awesome finds honey!!

    hoping you have a lovely weekend TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)

  2. Great finds! I especially love that ring and the decoupage handbag!

  3. Hello again sweetie haha i just had to stop by again and say thank you so much for your absolutely sweetest comment on my pictures of me on Johnny Bravo (the horse) you are so sweet! and also wanted to tell you i was just at you other blog ARTDECOGIRLSLYBRARY (sorry if i spelled that wrong btw) but i just wanted to say you are an extremely talented writer and i really enjoy reading your stories, they are absolutely delightful reads and i cant wait until the next one hahaha :) and im just going to say again that purse you found is adorable you have quite an eye deary!! :)

    Wishing you a lovely start to your week,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)
