Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reconnecting with a friend from the past.

Rickey Davis, Truck driving school, Texas, reconnecting with friends
Rickey Davis with his dog Baby

I do not normally write about too many modern day things on this blog since it is a blog devoted to things of a vintage and antique nature. However sometimes I have something I just want to share that does not fit into that category from time to time and this is one of those times. A few weeks ago (just after Christmas) I found and reconnected with Rickey Davis, who was my best friend from truck driving school. Back in the spring of 2005 I had made the decision to partake in a "big adventure" this big adventure took me down into the wilds of Texas (as most of you know I am from Oregon) where I went to truck driving school. While I was there I met the cutest southern boy my eyes ever did see! During our time in school we were pretty much inseparable and the best of friends. When the time came for our schooling to commence we each went to work for a different company, we moved and had different phone numbers yadda yadda yadda (you all know that song and dance where you were once inseparable and then you become hopelessly separated) there came a point in time shortly after truck driving school where we lost touch with one another.

However I do not give up that easily and I made it my quest to track down Rickey through hell or high water! After years of searching I found him on facebook he had just started a facebook page about 3 months ago, on his facebook page he mentioned writing a book and now a blog too. I could not believe it Rickey was a writer just like me! Rickey is an amazing writer, his writing is very raw, real and captivating. His writing pulls you and when you are done reading you find yourself wanting to read more (no I am not just saying these things because we are friends and I am not getting paid either). If you are interested in reading some of Rickey's stories and become a blog follower here is a link to his blog:


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