Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Part 3 of a little trip down to California!

This is the final blog post for this trip I promise!

We finally made it through the Avenue of the Giants and we were back on HWY 101 again. We drove along for a while and we started getting kind of close to the coast but not to where we could see it but we could feel that it was dramatically cooler. We saw a sign for the turn off for Historic Ferndale California. The last time I had been to Ferndale was many years ago, I was passing through and stopped for dinner. The town looked a little different but had only grown just a small amount. I really want to come back through here and stay over night sometime because it is so cute plus they have some nice vintage and antique stores. We drove by a business that actually had live mannequins in the window! They looked so cool, they appeared to be wearing vintage inspired clothing, I wanted so bad to stop but we could not, we had to forge ahead!

Anyway I do have to warn y'all, the pics were taken by me, the worlds worst photographer! I hope they are not too horrible, they are a little cattywompus is all. Tim was driving and we had the top down and I was at the helm of the camera. So enjoy!

Victorian Inn  Historic Ferndale.

A little white steeple church in Historic Ferndale.

Very cool old cemetery.

Classic car that we had followed in to Historic Ferndale.

The ornate building next to the big yellow post office are restrooms, I thought they were cute and took their pic.

A beautiful ginger bread house bed and breakfast.

Well this is where the blog post about my trip ends. Soon after Ferndale we cut over to HWY 199 which goes inland and was hot and dry again, then over to I-5. We made it to Eugene to have a late dinner with Tim's mom. After that we finally made it home just before midnight ( we dropped off the Nash car and got the big car) and had to get out to the campsite in the Tillamook forest, where we dropped off Tim's kids and their friends earlier in the week. Three 17 year old's and a 20 year old. We got to the campsite at 1:00 am and boy we were very tired! The next day we drove into Tillamook on the northern Oregon Coast to do some shopping and ended up at my mom's (15 miles south of Tillamook in Beaver Oregon) house to see her and my brother's for just a brief visit.

Funny how on Thursday we flew in to San Francisco then by the time Sunday rolled around we ended up on the Oregon Coast in Beaver Oregon in a very round about way!

Also our little car made it the whole way from San  Rafael up to our house just outside Portland Oregon (hundreds of miles all in one trip) and it ran like a charm! I do have to say it is a good little car. Along the way we made heads turn, had lots of people smile and wave at us. People taking pics of the car and sometimes of us and the car. Every time we went to a rest stop or gas station we would get the young people asking us what kind of car it is and the old timers saying to us, oh yes, how they remembered the Nash Metropolitan from way back when. It was quite the little trip, yes indeed!

Until next time!


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