Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Devil at Dusk - Installment Number Fifteen

Vintage matchbooks, vintage hotel ads
Airliner Hotel Chicago IL

Thank you for joining us for the next installment of Devil at Dusk!

I spent the week in Chicago getting my apartment ready to move out and spent half a day cleaning it for the next person that comes along. I was able to spend time with my family and got to visit with my brother who I had not seen in a while. One night I was able to hang out with my friends, unfortunately I ended up with a hangover the next day. Chicago is bad, very bad for me. I don’t seem to party at all when I am in Laurel. The reason being that from the moment I set foot in Laurel I had to put on my big girl pants and take over on an in depth murder investigation, deal with a death of a loved one then take over an investigation firm. I was also able to connect over lunch with Winslow, of course he already knew I was not coming back but I felt the need to see him in person and talk to him.

My mom and dad ended up having a surprise going away picnic for me in the park; they invited family, friends of the family and neighbors. We had quite the turn out and it was a lot of fun. We played croquette and horse shoes. Mom and dad gave me a really nice three piece Samsonite Luggage set (train case, medium round suit case and large suit case) in burgundy. That was a great gift and something I had been wanting for a while plus it will come in handy for when it was time to pack up all the rest of my belongings because they will all fit perfectly in my luggage.

Then my “wild bunch” friends had a going away party for me on Friday. We had it at the Airliner Hotel's Lounge on Cicero Avenue, so if we got too drunk to drive we could just stay over in the hotel. 35 people showed up to my party and over half (including me) stayed at the hotel that night. The Airline Hotel was a very nice and luxurious place. Good thing I had the whole entire day on Saturday to recuperate from the wild hi jinks from the previous night!

Finally Sunday morning rolled around and it was time for me to be on my way back to Laurel. I said good bye to my folks and my brother and I was on the road at 9am. That night I made it to the halfway point at about 7pm, checked in to a cozy little motor court and had a late dinner. The next day I was up bright and early and on the road by 8:00 am. I finally made it home to the cottage around 6pm. I was exhausted so I made a cup of tea and listened to some music on the radio.  At 8pm I called it a night and went and tucked myself into bed.

Tuesday morning I woke up, got ready and went in to the office. When I got to the office I called over to Mrs. Rothschild’s Estate and Avery the butler answered the phone. I told him it was Brooksie, and then I asked him if Mrs. Rothschild was available and if I would be able to speak with her?  He said he would go and check, a few moments later Mrs. Rothschild was on the line. I asked her how things had been this past week. Mrs. Rothschild told me that something interesting happened that very evening following the staff interviews. She said sometime in the night Paris Le Roux (one of the cleaning girls) packed up all of her belongings (she only owned enough to fit into a large suitcase) and left. I told her to still keep a watchful eye on her belongings however we did both agreed that this was an admission to her guilt and she no longer to cared to stay on board now that there was another set of eyes keeping an eye on Mrs. Rothschild and her belongings.

To be continued…..

Stay tuned next week for another installment of: Devil at Dusk

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