Monday, April 29, 2013

Hello again!

Yes, I am still alive! I know I have not been around much and I am sorry about that. I have still been working on my photo series project. I am about ready to reveal some details soon. The project will be presented in installments, it is a story with pictures to go along with it. It will have the feel of an old time movie, t.v. series or radio show only in a written format with film noir style pictures. The photo shoots for the whole project from start to finish will probably take about 6 months possibly more, this is part of the reason why it will be coming out in installments plus the installments will give it more of an old time feel. I have had this idea to do this shoot for a couple of years now in the very beginning I was just going to do one photo shoot based on my idea (I will give you a hint regarding what the shoot is about, so I can hopefully perk up everybody's interest) the story is about a female private investigator in the 1950's. What started out to be one simple shoot has evolved into an entire series, it just kept expanding and growing in my head so there was nothing else to do but turn it into an actual story. So far the first couple of photo shoots have been a lot of fun and the photos have turned out super good. Currently the photos are being edited. However the first sets of photos to at least launch the series/story should be ready very soon. I will keep you all posted. Thank you everybody for hanging in there with me!



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