Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bettie Page Store in Portland Oregon Opens!

This last Sunday I was out for stroll and some shopping in down town Portland with my friend Jen. It was a cool and brisk afternoon. I had caught wind that a Bettie Page store was opening in our fair city so we set out that afternoon to find it. All I knew was it was on Broadway Street but which Broadway Street? We have two in Portland, one was right in the heart of down town, which was right where I happened to be. The other one would not have been possible for us to make it too on that day considering we were on foot and bus.

So we asked around a bit and came up with nothing. We ended up walking up and down Broadway until low and behold there it was not even a block a way from Pioneer Square! We proceeded to go in to have a look see, there were so many beautiful things to look at so many lovely reproduction pieces of clothing from back in Bettie's heyday! Last Sunday was the store's grand opening day.The next thing I know Jen is pulling outfits off of racks and handing them to telling me to try them on, saying this one will be perfect for you and so will this one! I tried on each wonderful piece and they all look they were made for me! The shop was beautiful, laid out so nice and the staff were so perfectly sweet and helpful. Plus the music was divine, I felt like I had taken a time capsule back in time to the 1950's.

I ended up picking out and buying a sweet little sheer, long sleeve blouse, it was an off white with red and black, medium size polka dots. It will go with the two black pencil skirts that I bought last week at the mall, I had been looking for a blouse with some red in it to go with the black pencil skirts but it does not appear that red is an "in" color for spring which is too bad because I love me some red! However red does seem to be a very popular color for the 1950's which is lucky for me because the 50's is one of my favorite era's!

I highly recommend the Bettie Page store for all ladies that are looking for a nicely made and feminine clothing line, whether or not you are a Bettie fan I am sure you will love this store!

Until next time!



  1. I just watched the movie "The Notorious Bettie Page". :)

  2. Sounds like you had a great time. I've been to one Betty Page store in Vegas a few years a go. They had a lovely set up. Hopefully I'll be able to visit it again in a week or so since we're going to Vegas.

  3. Mariela, I hope you do have a chance to visit the Bettie Page store in Vegas! Have fun while you are there.

    Dr Blood, I love "The Notorious Bettie Page" movie. I will be posting some more eye candy for you on my blog here real soon! Ha ha!
