Monday, January 28, 2013

My Beekeeping Friends

My beekeeping friends

I ran across a wonderful article in The Blender which is the Williams-Sonoma blog, the article is about my beekeeping friends Matt and Jill. They are a husband and wife beekeeping team. I first met them before they were married in 2006 when they were a part of the vintage gang that would meet and get together in Portland Oregon. We would get together about once a month and go on many fun vintage excursions. For example we would go have lunch or cocktails at Huber's which is Portland's oldest bar and restaurant (it used to be a speakeasy at one time), or to the Palmer Wirf's Antique show which is the largest in the USA, or to a local tiki bar for food and cool beverage, or to see Christmas lights on a historic lane. Our group all met on The Fedora Lounge online forum for vintage lovers (there is a link on my blog page). On The Fedora Lounge they went by the names of Beaucaillou and Cacklewack. Any who they now make and sell bee hives to people all over the world and they have about 30 hives all around SE Portland. I am very fascinated with bees, I even love them! I have wanted my own bee hives ever since I was a little girl-I grew up in the burbs-my next door neighbor and his wife (they were old enough to be my grandparents) had bee hives.

You can read the article here: williams-sonoma.




  1. What a cute couple! Id love a bee hive if it weren't for my husband's allergies. Tat and the landlords wouldn't allow it. Maybe once we have a house.

  2. Bees are overrated. I prefer raising pet wasps. You don't get any honey, but they are very useful for revenge and don't pull their own insides out when they sting people. Bzzzzzzzzz! :)
