Monday, November 26, 2012

The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt.

One of my all time favorite books is The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt by Caroline Preston. If you are a lover of the 1920's you need to check out this book! The pictures alone are total 1920's eye candy. I had never even heard of this book before until one of my blog followers, Stephanie Ruby Feldman of rubymusings.blogspot. turned me on to it. I went to the book store only to just take a peek at it and then I was going to check it out at the library but as soon as I laid eyes on it I had to have it!

Caroline Preston, the author has a huge collection of vintage ephemera and she wanted to find a creative idea to utilize it. She came up with the idea to tell the story of a fictional character (Frankie) in a book that is all laid out and written like a real scrapbook from the 1920's. The book starts off with Frankie having just graduated from high school and several years following. Many adventures and twist & turns are in store for the reader. To find out more about the book, the author and the ephemra collection visit the website: carolinepreston.

My very favorite picture from the book!
Until next time luvs!



  1. That looks like a neat book. I love random ephemera from by-gone eras.

  2. Ahhh, thanks for the mention and glad that you enjoyed October's offerings on my blog. xx
