Monday, October 22, 2012

How to Look Steampunk: For Everyday Wear.

My pocket watch pendant necklace (photo from google).
Hello gang, how is it going? Today I was in a steam punk kind of mood and it shows up a little bit in today's clothing selection. I love the look of steam punk, for some reason it speaks to the 16 year old me that still lives inside. I guess it speaks to that part of me because when I was a teenager I was really into new wave music and new wave clothing. When I was about 16, I still liked new wave but I was just starting to get into punk. Then in my early 20's I had almost a kind of goth thing going on so it seams that this is just the next natural evolution in clothing for me. (It was my teen years when I started to express my creativity through my clothing and I still do it to this day). I have a lot of fun with clothing.

With my jacket on.

With my jacket off.

When I first became aware of steam punk, I thought to myself all of those things are so pretty but they are all so expensive! After time went on and my wardrobe (mostly vintage) started expanding, I very recently thought to myself why don't I go shopping in my own closet and see what I can come up with for a steampunk look. What I wanted was an everyday steampunk look not something too over the top that would be worn to a costume party, steampunk convention or photo shoot. I like the idea of having a steampunk look just for the fun of it every now and then. The key to dressing up in this manner (I feel kind of like a female dandy!) is the little details such as my pocket watch (which does not work and is just for looks) it is a 1970's does Victorian and was super cheap $2.99 from a thrift store. I wore this outfit while out and about doing everyday errands. It was raining so it actually proved to be pretty practical with my bowler hat and spats to keep my head and feet - dry and warm throughout the day.

Here is a close up of my spats & Dansko heels, I had a pic of them from a previous outfit post.

Here are the specs on the outfit:

Vintage bowler hat - Magpie Vintage
Earings - Handmade by me
Black long sleeve top - Goodwill Bins
Vintage 40's or 50's ladies suit jacket - Portland Antique Show
Very dark denim (almost black) waistcoat/vest - Goodwill
Pocket watch pendant necklace (worn in the pocket of the waistcoat) - Thrift store in Tillamook Oregon
Wool skirt - Thrift store (do not remember which one because it was so long ago)
Black tights - Macy's
Dankso heels - Clog's N More store
Vintage wool spats - Boutique down the street from where I live
Purse - From mom many moons ago
Victorian garnet ring - Also from mom, many years ago




  1. Love every last element of this outfit and concept. Much as I adore Victorian styles and their off shots, I haven't (save for a little here and there when paper crafting) ventured into the realm of steampunk yet. Sometimes I feel it calling my name though, so who knows, maybe you'll see a post akin to this from me one distant day :)

    ♥ Jessica

  2. This turned out very well. I can see the steam punk elements to it. You look very lovely in a hat too. I love the look of steam punk but it seems like people don't take it serious because it's always a costume for a party or convention.

  3. You look so cute in that outfit! I love steampunk, too...for a lot of the same reasons, I think :-)
    I have a full-on steampunk costume that I made a while back, but I love the idea of working a bit'o steam into "normal" clothes.
    I think you need a working version of that watch! How fun would it be?

