Thursday, June 7, 2012


I love to make things, especially things that are made out of recycled stuff and items I have around the apartment. I did not have to buy a single thing to make these scrapbooks it was all stuff I already had.

The cover of the scrapbook on the left I made out of a very pretty file folder that I had not been using so I cut it to size and punched some holes in it and voila! The ribbon I had hanging around for a while. The vintage button I got at last years Day of the Dead festival (a lady named Shera that goes every year recognizes me each time and comments on my vintage style-she asked me if I wanted a couple of small plastic bags of vintage buttons, she let me know none of them matched - of course I said yes!) Who can pass up a little bag of mismatched vintage buttons! I just knew one day they would work out nicely in some sort of craft project! The dark green stretchy piece of ribbon that is around the button has a new purpose as the closure (was a bit of string really that came with an old key that I had). The paper inside is fancy paper that I got back in the 90's to use for resumes. Then  people started to send resumes via e-mail and fax so I had some fancy high quality paper looking for a good purpose. This scrapbook I made and gave to my sister in law as a way to say thank you for helping me out so much.

The scrapbook on the right was actually the first one I made and it was just an experiment really. The cover is made from a cereal box which I cut down to size, turned it so the printed side is on the inside and the cardboard grey side I painted with acrylic paint and I took a post card from my small post card collection that I started back in the 80's and glued it onto the cover. The silver yarn is yarn that I got for a knitting project ages ago that I never finished but I have been loving this silver yarn it has a little stretch to it also and comes in handy for many things. Of course the paper inside the scrapbook is the same fancy smancy paper that is in the other scrapbook only it is a different color.

1 comment:

  1. oh that scrapbook is just lovely!!!!!!! :) i love scrap-booking, my aunt loves to scrap-book as well so it always reminds me of her! :) i loved this post deary!! :)
    and thank you so much for your absolutely sweetest comments on my blog, i really appreciate them with all my heart!! :)
    And it was so great to chat with my deary!! :) i cant wait to chat with you again very soon deary!! :)

    wishing you a relaxing day,
    TheRitzyFlapper (Alicia)
