Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Marcel irons

Does anyone else have a Marcel iron like this and if so have you tried it out on your hair? I got this Marcel iron several years ago from an auction, I got it at the same time that I got my 1920s vanity table, who knows it may have even belonged to the same person. I have been wanting to try this thing out in my hair for sometime now however when I mentioned it to my mom she said don't do that you might fry your hair! So I was hoping for some feed back from others.





  1. I'd also be worried about the safety of this item! However i have seen a similar 'wave' iron in the shops at the mo, I was thinking about buying one. X

  2. I learned how to use these irons in beauty school and was told that they should never be used on Caucasian hair. When I worked in multi-racial salons, all the African American stylists had huge Marcel sets. It was a large rack for various sizes with the stove in the center. I used them infrequently on African American clients, but never on white or Asian clients. The way to test the iron is to touch it to an end paper (perm or rolling paper). If the paper burns, it will burn the hair. You will be a way to heat it, though. I think they sell individual stoves at places like Sally's but I'm not sure.

  3. Oh man, those things are scary looking! Girl, do not touch your hair with those! I'm afraid even for the electrical safety of such a thing. Not worth the risk, I think...

  4. I also have one of those and asked my Great Grandmother how to use it years back. She said that they would wave it over the flame of a kerosene lamp to heat it up. Of coarse that way you can't control the heat level so you would have to be careful about not letting it get too hot. Or she said she would set it on a medium hot skillet on the stove to heat up so it would maintain an even heat. But then if you do it that way you would have to set up a mirror in your kitchen to set your hair in there, heh.
