Sunday, April 1, 2012

Outfit Post

Now that I have a camera I can do outfit posts finally! (I have been blogging since 2008 without a camera of my own, can you believe it?) So basically I have been just kind of experimenting with the camera and a tripod in my apartment. I have no idea why I waited so long to get a camera.

Here is my outfit for today:

I really need to find a more flattering corner in my apartment but that is all apart of the experimentation process right? I also had to alter the color a bit because my door has some funky marks on it so I had to darken it some. 

Anyways about what I am wearing:

Vintage cardigan - The Oregon Country Fair (which just proves you can find vintage even in the strangest places!)
1940's Jersey blend dress - The Portland Antique Show
Boots - fluevog      I am a boot wearer, since it rains here about 10 months out of the year I live in them. Especially because I do not own a car, so I am always walking or riding the bus. 

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