Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My favorite corner in my apartment

My sweet little plant area
My favorite corner in my little apartment is my plant area by my kitchen window. All the plants I have were given to me by people (in little disposable pots) except the itty bitty jade plant which I found on my patio (when I lived at a different apartment) it was actually just a tiny piece of a jade plant, I think a bird dropped it on my patio because I asked the lady that lived directly above me if she had a jade plant (thinking a piece had been broken off) she said no. My mom who has an incredible green thumb told me to just stick it in some dirt and keep the dirt moist at all times, so I did that and low and behold it took root and has been alive ever since and that has been 4 years ago!

I have never been one to have a green thumb (usually all the plants I have just die) but for the last few years for some reason I guess I seem to be doing pretty good. Since all of these plants made it I started collecting vintage containers to put them in (except the jade the plant that is the closest by the plate in this picture it had been planted in this new pot ever since "I stuck it in some dirt 4 years ago!"). However the jade plant needs a new pot soon because it is out growing this one. My mom gave me the vintage plant stand several years ago back when no plants I ever had wanted to live. I almost gave up on the stand and the plants until people (and some times the birds even) started giving me plants and that was when they started living instead of dying!

Next I am going to try getting some little potted herbs because I do love the idea of growing edible plants and having them right on hand for cooking in the kitchen.

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