Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Explanation as to why I have been away for so long.

I just thought I had better send out a little note to my blog followers (I am surprised I still have any). I have been having some health issues of which I can not talk about at the moment and is the reason why I have been away for so long. I do not know when I will be back in blog land so all I ask of you my readers is that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Brooksie,

    I really hope you get better soon. Thanks for the update; the important thing is you take the time to recover well.

    I was in hospital for 4 months earlier this year so I have some idea of what you mean. Personally I found writing a blog another incentive to regain my health and when I came home a welcome distraction and almost therapeutic (but don't feel you have to carry it on in detriment to your own health). I also found the many kind comments from my followers a great comfort - I'm sure you will too.

    All the best and get well soon!

  2. Get better! My thoughts are definitely with you. Hang in there!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear you aren't well! I've sent you a friend request on Facebook -- you'll know me by the Avalon in my name. Hope things get better for your soon!

  4. Sorry to hear you've been having health issues,love.
    Do tkae care of yourself,and I hope you come right very soon!X
