Thursday, April 14, 2011

Water for Elephants.

Water for Elephants is due to hit the cinemas on April 22, 20011. On the 22nd I have a burlesque show I am taking part in however I do plan to see this movie sometime soon while it is on the big screen. I read the book by Sara Gruen a couple of years ago and I was very excited when I heard they were making a movie about it. I liked the book very much especially because it takes place in the 1930's and it is about a traveling circus (I will not tell too much more about it because I do not want to ruin it for those who have not read the book). Those of you who know me really well know that I LOVE circuses and carnivals especially the ones with an old time flair. I adore books and movies about circuses and carnivals too especially historical novels.


  1. That movie sounds lovely! I've beenmeaning to read that novel!

  2. oh i have been waiting for this movie and have been watching the trailers on utube....the fashion looks amazing...check out lots of goodies!!!

  3. First off, it was awesome meeting you a few weeks ago!

    Secondly, I can't wait for this movie either. I've been debating reading the book first, but then I'd ruin the surprise aspect of the film.
