Thursday, December 16, 2010

Summer Fun in the 50's.

I love posting summer pics in fall/winter - I love being warm and wearing summer clothes...I guess I just miss summer.

A while back I had a photo shoot with one of my photographers, Jim Dorothy of Gladstone Oregon I blogged about it previously and I also promised to show more photos from that shoot, you can follow the link here to see that blog post:

Here are some more pictures from that shoot:

Main Street Collectors Mall and Soda Fountain in Milwaukie Oregon.

Hot Rod Pizza in Milwaukie Oregon.

Hot Rod Pizza.

Hot Rod Pizza.

Hot Rod Pizza.

Flying A Gas Station in Gladstone Oregon.

Flying A Gas Station.

Flying A Gas Station.

Flying A Gas Station.

The Soda Fountain above is a darling place that is also an antique mall, they have some great things there and on a historical note JFK stopped off there during his candidacy.

The Hot Rod Pizza (we had our photo shoot there even before they were officially open, they graciously allowed us to do our shoot there but who can complain when a darling vintage model comes knocking on your door with a photographer, right?). Hot Rod Pizza is located in Milwaukie Oregon, they will deliver your pizza to your door in a cherried out hot rod. I am sad to say I went to their website and they have actually closed their doors!

The Flying A Gas Station is a gas station located in Gladstone Oregon, this place has been restored back to its hey day, when I was last there it was no longer an operating gas station but a store of some sorts. Here is a link to the website and it also has some nice pictures of its restoration:


  1. Lovely, Lovely photos! I especially like the off the shoulder dress!

  2. Ohhh lovely times, lovely photos!

    Happy weekend!

  3. These pictures are great! You could tint the one at the soda fountain black and white and you wouldn't know it wasn't from Life magazine. Neat blog.

  4. I just found your blog through Shady's website, and I really, really like your style! Will definitely keep a lookout for new posts.

    xx Joanna

  5. I am delighted to see your photos and read this post about the "ancient" gas station. I've loved your blog since my first visit here:-)

  6. That is so look great!
