Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dark Vintage

I belong to a vintage forum online, I am sure a lot of you know which one it is. There was a discussion about darker vintage looks. One of the members posted these pics from an editorial and I thought I would share them with you all because I thought they were really beautiful. The model looks like a modern day flapper. I tend to go for a more darker vintage look especially in fall and winter when everything in general is darker.


  1. i love a darker look, and i appreciate the fact these look very tamara lempicka in terms of the photographic approach, but to me they still look very artificial and far from authentic. but that is just me.

  2. These are really beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. =]
    -Andi x

  3. oooh, these looks are gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing!

    I found your blog on Va-Voom Vintage's link up list!! i'm your newest follower :)
