Saturday, October 2, 2010

My Ziegfeld girl photo

I told you all that if I got up enough courage I would post a photo from my Ziegfeld girl shoot, well here it is. When this was taken I was working with John from Stereoblind photography, he is a modeling mentor and he was working with me on doing this shoot. When John mentors a model he likes to have you streach your limits (he does not make you do anything you do not want to do) but when you are done you know you have taken your modeling to the next level. For example I would never do nude modeling it is just not me but this is considered implied nudity which I have wanted to do however it took a lot of courage for me to do this, so basically I had to step out of my comfort zone. I wanted the picture to look like something from the late teens or early 20's (like a Ziegfeld girl style photo) and I think we succeeded.

Now here is the actual photo of the Ziegfeld girl that was my inspiration:


  1. WOW! Total inspiration!! I want to do a Ziegfeld shoot now too! Bravo! You look wonderful.

  2. You look AMAZING! Love, love it!

  3. That is such a beautiful photo! I love it, you look beautiful.
