Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Live Art Show!

Hey everybody I will be modeling in yet another Live Art show! On Saturday November 6th the show is from 1pm to 3pm (I have the 1pm to 2pm time slot). It is only $5.00 to come, have a fun time and create art. Bring your camera and/or sketch book and pencils.

This time I will be Madame Brooksie the 1920's gypsy fortune teller! Come and see what the future may hold for you - I can predict this much - I will be there dressed the part and I will be doing mock tea leaf, palm, and tarot card readings. Now how fun is that? This will I believe will be the first Live Art event with audience participation, I will be asking for volunteers from the audience to come up on stage to model with me during the shorter sets so I can have a victim ahem I mean a person to model a reading on.

The Live Art show is at Backspace Coffee Shop 115 NW 5th in Portland, it is right on the MAX and bus line.

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