Friday, October 15, 2010

Another Speakeasy Wednesday Night!

More Speakeasy Wednesday Night Fun!

Here is Julie and I at the Speakeasy, learning to dance yet again just this last Wednesday night. This swing dance series put on by Swingtime PDX has been so much fun. We have been learing Balboa (30's swing) and East Coast Swing. Starting in November they will be starting the next series and will be teaching the Charleston! (Oh my goodness - I have been wanting to learn the Charleston so bad - I am so excited I can hardly contain myself). For this current series fashion wise I have been getting into a kind of a bohemian 20s/30s look and have been having a lot of fun with it.

Here is a pic of some fancy foot work of  the speakeasy participants.

Until next time Mes Amis!

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