Monday, September 13, 2010

Brand New Life

I am sorry everybody it has taken me so long to blog, but I am back! I have had so many changes take place in my life. Three weeks ago I had about 14 inches of my hair cut off and I got this cute little Louise Brooks bob, to show... hey... not only am I changing on the inside I am on the outside too.

My journey all starts over a year ago really when I lost my job (it was one of those jobs where my job was my identity). I struggled and searched to find a job and ended up with temporary jobs and part time stuff but nothing really permanent and nothing really lasted for to long. In May I finally found a wonderful job that I love. It is a permanent, full time position with a family run company that has been around since 1932. I do office work, funny thing is that I work with numbers everyday (even help out with payroll - scary) and I have always been terrified of numbers! I have taken college placement tests and I am at a 3rd grade level in math but in reading and writing I placed at the highest level possible which I guess is like a professor or something...hehehe, this I find amusing because that is before I went through my college courses.

Then in July I broke off an 8 month relationship that was not serving me well in life, this was a very hard thing to do but it had to be done. One thing I need to mention with this is that at least the person I broke it off with, he and I were able to not only remain friends but we are actually best friends. the beginning of August I moved into an apartment directly above where I work (the people I work for own the whole building including my apartment). They say my apartment was built prior to the 1930's, I really do not know how old it is but it is so cute and so vintage! I would say it is probably about a 100 years old but I love it. The view I have is so Blade Runner (If you have been following my blog for a while now you will know Blade Runner is one of my all time favorite movies and I like to make references to it every now and again) so that makes it pretty darn cool. Now lets talk about commutes....I went from a 2 hour round trip commute by bus to a 2 minute commute by foot. That was 10 hours a week out of my life spent on the bus. It does not get any better then that considering I do not own a car. Plus a very big bonus is I live within walking distance of down town Portland, I just walk over the Burnside bridge and in about 7 minutes or less, I am there.

The picture above was taken this past Saturday 9-11-2010 at a live art show I was a model in. Being a live art model is a lot of fun (I get paid, a free drink, and to meet fun artistic types) people come to draw, paint, and photograph. This photo was taken by a participant by the name of Linda. Clothing was provided by me from my ever expanding vintage addiction *cough, cough...ahem, I mean collection!


  1. Your picture rocks! Good to have you blogging again. It sounds like you are right were you need to be ;)

  2. it's fantastic that you're back , and hopefully will now find the time to post more often!

  3. Sounds like it's all be good change. Yay, you!! Glad to see you back!

  4. Congratulations and welcome to the rest of your life, sweetie! *hugs* ^_^

  5. This is such a flattering cut on you! I know this is a bit of an old post but just had to comment. I love a good bob and find really so few can pull off the whole look that goes with it!
