Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shop Vintage Portland

Wow I feel like such an amature admitting this but I just now figured out how to cut and paste onto my blog... who hoo! Hehehe... Here is part of the article from the Shop Vintage Portland Blog - I figured to do me and Lulu (the owner of the Shop Vintage Blog) justice, I should at least try to teach my self how to do this and here it is:

Shop Vintage Portland: "February 14, 2010
Portland Style Council! Brooksie

February's Portland Style Council Interview is with Brooksie.
Brooksie does vintage themed modeling, and the photo posted above is from an Elvgren themed photo shoot that she did. (The photo is on her blog).
-How long have you been collecting vintage clothing for?
I started off collecting vintage accessories when my grandma passed away 30 years ago (I was nine), I inherited many of her things. In the beginning it was about 40 handkerchiefs, 4 handheld fans then as time went on acquired (of my grandma's via my mom) about 30 vintage scarves, a locket from the year she was born 1905, her class ring from 1923, her wedding ring, gloves, her old back and white photos, and many other things. These things have always been so special to me. I got my first actual vintage outfit when I was 15 back in the 80's it was a 1950's suit made of black water mark taffeta. The skirt was a pencil skirt and the jacket was a bolero. I have been hooked ever since.
-What got you into vintage clothing?
My first awareness of anything vintage was big band/swing music, I remember visiting that same grandma and she would always be listening to Glenn Miller Orchestra. I remember this as far back as about the age of four or five. I got to where as a child I was able to know the words to these songs and to this day I absolutely love swing and big band. I went and saw the Glenn Miller Orchestra in Tillamook about three years ago.
-What are your favorite eras of clothing?
My favorite eras for clothes are the 20's through the 50's with a special interest in the art deco period."

To read the rest of this article go to

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