Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Revlon's Cherries in the Snow

I have been thinking about Cherries in the Snow - Revlon's that is - for a while now. I had to give in and buy it. I am so glad I did, I had been wearing bright red for so long and in winter I switch to a deep wine color however since spring is just around the corner I needed a redish pink color for my lips and nails, something to go with cool brights or cool pastels. This color is so perfect and it is from the 1950's.
In the ad above is Dorian Leigh a popular model from the 40's and 50's. She did this ad in 1953 when she was 36, to me that is so wonderful to see a beautiful model from the past modeling into her mid to late 30's because I started modeling soon after I turned 40.
I love the gold tube that Revlon's lip colors used to be in it is so vintage looking, now they are in black plastic. Oh well I love the color and I like that it is vintage.

1 comment:

  1. Nars dragon girl lip pen is another very vintage shade. The ads are not nearly so fabulous as this, nor the name though.
    Sex, Drugs and Rollerskates
