Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Perfect Vintage Christmas.

It is December 3, 1944 and the war is in full swing. My sweetheart is flying over Paris in a B-17 Bomber on his way to Germany. He sends me a postcard that says: I'll be home for Christmas! - You know just like the song...well, we all know how the song ends: If only in my dreams, so I was not getting my hopes up however I did make sure to have the house decorated.

On Christmas Eve I tucked myself into the bed and I had one prayer that my sweetheart was safe and I had one wish that he really could make it home for Christmas but I just did not see how that could ever be posible.

Until Christmas morning I got a call! It was my sweetheart waiting for me at Union Station! So, I hopped on the next trolley car and there he was with all of the other men from his unit, waiting on the train for their families and love ones to arrive. I flung myself into his arms and gave him a big kiss!

This was the best Christmas gift ever!
The End.

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