Monday, November 2, 2009

Dia de los Muertos Celebration

So yesterday I did end up going to the dia de los muertos celebration and I will have to say that it was so incredibly awesome! They let me build a little altar in honor of my dad who passed away about a month ago (incase you missed the post that I made regarding that). It was very much a family oriented thing, there were so many children there, everyone from little babies all the way on up to teen agers. I went on my own which was alright, I met so many really neat people there. The staff members of the Someday Lounge (where the event took place) were so friendly and attentive. I also helped out with decorating the main altars on stage. I dressed up in a kind of a Spanish dancer kind of an outfit, I wore my hairpulled back into a chignon with a beautiful Spanish comb and a red rose. I marched/danced in the parade which was led by a Samba band, so it was hard to not dance. Then back at Someday they showed vintage dia de los muertos cartoons for the kids and had hot chocolate. I got my face painted like a skeleton. One of the ladies that works at Someday took some pictures of me and she said she would e-mail them to me. As soon as I get them I will download them onto my blog so all can see. If anybody is interested to learn more about dia de los muertos check out this link to this blog: The Mysterious Life of a Metropolitan Housewife, she gives a great explanation of the tradition:

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